To discover, research, preserve and pass on the classics of Nihon Buyo and promote the creation of new works:
The Foundation supports creative activities to research and revive Nihon Buyo classics so that hitherto-separated fields of research and practice can be integrated.
Dissemination of Nihon Buyo as a national art through the education of children and adults.
In order to widely promote Nihon Buyo (a Japan’s traditional performing art and cultural heritage) as a national art, the experience Nihon Buyo through their cultural curriculum. Seeking to provide adults with opportunities to become involved in artistic activities, the Foundation supports and promotes the training of newcomers. It is also interested in promotional opportunities, which will eventually contribute to enhance artistic and cultural activities.
The internationalization of Nihon Buyo through overseas performances
The Foundation strives to contribute to the promotion of Japanese arts and culture throughout the world by the internationalization of Nihon Buyo. It encourages promotional activities such as overseas performances. It also aims to provide non-Japanese residents in Japan With the opportunity to experience Nihon Buyo.